Writing Projects
Saturnalia by Antoine-FranƧois Callet
Date: 1783
Saturnalia, an ancient Roman Festival in honor of the god Saturn, god of time, agriculture, renewal and liberation, celebrated between December 17th and 23rd. Celebrated by feasting, and gift-giving, and gambling with slaves and patricians treated as equals. It was a moveable party that became carnival and this season's writers prompt for original short sci-fi stories themed around Robots, AI and Time Travel.
So sit back over the holidays and relax a time with these tales of Saturnalia and please let the writers know how much their gifts to you mean in your comments.
New Science Fiction Stories:
Universe of Discovery by Jan Koenig
The Last One by Richard Cutler
Snow, Silica and Steel by Anton Kukal
Slimeworld by Ian Reeve
rand7 and the updaters by g.e. moore*
Lens by H.D. Weikle
Ruat Caelum by Katzen Peterson
The Sailfish Conjecture by Andrew R. Cole
Death in its Season by Kaki Olsen
An Age of Governance by M.J. Harkins
* Lower case used at author's request - very e.e. cummings
Nebula Magazine's First New Writer's Project
The Greatest Lie by M.J. Harkins
The Elements Sweetly Rest by Kaki Olsen
Call Me Ishmael by H.D. Weikle
Church For Shaggots by Anton Kukal
The Staircase by Katzen Peterson
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