Science Fiction Music

The music of Science Fiction is as important as the sights and story. The score immerses an audience in the mind of the author, serves as the backdrop to the story and carries an emotional payload that surrounds the scenes, transporting a listener to the conclusion of the film. And so, Nebula Magazine is curating some of the best musical scores from SF film and recordings for your entertainment or just an afternoon of thoughtful repose.

The Day The Earth Stood Still, 1951

20th Century Fox, produced by Julian Blaustein and directed by Robert Wise

Film score by Bernard Herrmann, 16:41


1 - Prelude / Outer Space / Radar                               10 - The Elevator / Magnetic Pull / The Study 

2 - Danger                                                                    11 - Panic

3 - Klaatu                                                                     12 - The Glowing / Alone / Gortā€™s Rage / Nikto 

4 - Gort / The Visor / The Telescope                            13 - The Prison

5 - Escape                                                                   14 - Rebirth

6 - Solar Diamonds [not used in film]                           15 - Departure

7 - Arlington                                                                  16 - Farewell

8 - Lincoln Memorial                                                     17 - Finale

9 - Nocturn / The Flashlight / The Robot / Space

Not essentially sci-fi but rather labeled a series of Sagas Epic: The Musical is a nine-part series of concept albums with music and lyrics by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. A sung-through adaptation of Homer's Odyssey inspired by musical theater

The Doctor Who theme music is a piece of music written by Australian composer Ron Grainer with electronic sound by Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop 


Composer Dimitri Tiomkin wrote this score for The Thing From Another World (1951), which is considered his "strangest and most experimental score."[
