New Stories

Sagan's Number

A short fiction written by six authors.

Nebula Magazine proudly presents a first, the collaborative sci-fi ā€˜Flash Fictionā€™ work by six 

of our member/writers titled Saganā€™s Number.

A Flash science fiction story in six parts written in the manner of an ā€˜Exquisite Corpseā€™ and delivered in serial form over several days.                             Saturday, September 28.2024

Saganā€™s Number

Part I by Harlan Weikle

The Voyager 1 satellite, began its Grand Tour of the solar system in 1977. Now some four-billion miles from earth, traveling at 56,000 km/h it carries a golden record bearing the greetings of  mankind to the stars.  

Astronomer Carl Sagan knew it was a long shot but just perhaps a chance to make first contact in personā€”a simple notation no one would notice, a record matrix-number with Saganā€™s unique DNA sequence inscribed in the run-out groove of the record. Protected by a cover of gold, it will arrive near Centauri Proxima in just under forty-thousand years. 



Saganā€™s Number

                                                                  Part II by M.J. Harkins

For billions of years the galactic hive mind has been seeding Oort clouds with self-replicating probes. Swarms of probes mine each candidate star system for signs of space faring intelligences. Each Oort resembles an egg, and in the void outside the Heliopause, which separates each system proper from the distant outer edge, the probes patrol. 

Voyager 1 has just passed the Heliopause and is approached by the nearest probes. The probes themselves participate in a local hive mind, communicating with the galactic mind intermittently. They know not to directly interfere with local intelligences until instructed to do so, however they have advanced capabilities to determine the purpose and capability of entities they encounter.

To be continuedā€¦


                                                                    Saganā€™s Number 

                                                                   Part III by Kevin Martin

ā€œScanning complete. Sequence identified. Carbon-based life form replication in process. Survival adaptation for non-atmospheric conditions complete.ā€

The light was blinding, but this couldnā€™t just be light, Carl thought as he drifted through space. This canā€™t be real. I was just at home. But this canā€™t be a dream.

ā€œYou are not dreaming,ā€ a voice said in Carlā€™s mind. ā€œThe light is your new eyes detecting x-rays and gamma rays. Weā€™ve reproduced you beyond your systemā€™s heliopause. In doing so, weā€™ve not broken our contact rules, as you wonā€™t return. Weā€™ll learn what we can before sending you to your new existence.ā€



Sagan's Number

  Part IV by Katzen Peterson 

His mind was racing as he tried to make sense of his situation. Somewhere between fear and dread was a sense of awe as the universe expanded around him. If he wasnā€™t dreaming, was he dead? No, he felt solid enough. Solid yet, different. He didnā€™t understand. 

The voice chimed around him, ā€œPlease donā€™t be alarmed, everything will be explained to you in due time.ā€ As the voice faded, in the distance he could make out something metallic against the backdrop of the void and stars, growing larger as it approached. ā€œClose your eyes and relax.ā€



  Sagan's Number

  Part V by Kathryn Olsen

He had no memory of sounds experienced before his birth, but melody  reached his ears as if the mother who carried him were humming it to herself.

No, not a hum. As his hearing sharpened and he was endowed with comprehension, he recognized the songs of long-dead whales.  His heart rate slowed as a call of familiar comfort reached into his thoughts with a sensation not unlike a steadying hand.

Attempting to ground Carl in this shared reality, the contact played, ā€œHello from the children of earth.ā€

Innumerable miles from home, reconstituted in memory of another man, father Carl responded.


Saganā€™s Number

Part VI by Nancy Weikle

ā€œHello to my fellow humans. While my physical form is gone, my comprehension and emotions are magnified beyond anything I had imagined. Itā€™s an astounding change unlike my dreams so many years ago.ā€

Carl could hear the voices joining, a comforting, uplifting sound like warm water flowing. He wondered if life as he knew it now would be sustainable for those wishing to join him. What would it take to begin lifting others to this state?

He turned to the Oort for answers and was told the desire to change must be within each person. His purpose was clearā€”to guide, to overcome fear and apprehension. His message to everyone would be simpleā€”believe in life beyond Earth. This realm requires exploration to understand lifeā€™s purpose and what we can become.

The beginningā€¦
